How to overcome an artists block

Sometimes we just can’t get started painting. We run into an artists block.

We sit down in front of our canvas or sketchpad, ready to create. But then, our inspiration flies out the window and we are unable to get started.

Or we could be in the process of what seem to be a great painting and we run into a problem. We don’t know how to handle the situation so we stop painting.

We’ve all been there. It happens to all of us. This is a problem all artists face at some time or other. Let’s look at ways to prevent it and how to get through an art block.

An artists block is temporary. We can get back to painting again.Artist blocks are temporary.

What Exactly is Artists Block?

Maybe the last few paintings did not live up to our expectations. We started questioning our ability, filling our mind with self-doubts. We were overly critical and stopped painting.

Many artists are more critical of themselves than their fans.

Fear is the most common cause that blocks us from painting. We can make other excuses, but fear is the real reason.

Sometimes it may be a lack of inspiration. We may sit in front of the easel waiting for ideas. Nothing came, so no painting that day. If we are not inspired to paint, we don’t paint.

Many of us may have encountered one or more of these situations. So, what are we to do? What’s the solution?

overcoming an artists block

Artist blocks are temporary. It may feel like a big obstacle, but we can get back into the painting groove.

Painting is about motivation. Do we really want to be a good painter?

Dreaming about painting or waiting for inspiration can occupy our time, but it doesn’t make any paintings. It's not always about inspiration.

We just have to make up our mind to get started and stick with it.

How do we get ideas for paintings?

how do we move past an artist's block?

How do we start painting again?

Set a realistic goal with a time-frame to complete a painting.

If we work away from home, maybe one painting in a month. When we have more time make the goal for more paintings.

Our goal doesn't always have to be about our personal art time. Maybe we could do some watercolor painting with the kids or grandchildren once a month. Anything associated with painting will keep our creative juices flowing.

Set an exact time or date in which to reach our goal.

Make sure we have the needed supplies. Then go for it with no excuses!

Art-blockJust let the paint flow.

Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing

Painting art requires commitment. No matter what we think or feel, we just do it.

Keep the studio tidy

Make sure everything is available when we need it.

When we can’t find a paint color, our favorite brush or a reference photo, it delays painting and dampens our motivation.

Tips for setting up our own art space.

Build Your Reference Material

We can use our reference materials to spark new painting ideas.

If we paint still lifes, have a supply of vases, teapots, flowers or whatever we want to include in our paintings.

Make sketches or photograph things we find inspiring. Then we have a record of things to paint.

We may see a photo in a magazine, on a calendar or another artist’s work we want to paint. Change it significantly, by at least one third to make it your own creation. We don’t want to get stuck with copyright laws.

We can find copyright free photos online. There are some gorgeous ones.

Do a series of small, quick paintings

Time yourself and do each painting in a specified amount of time. It is inspiring and lets loose our creativity.

Just for example, make yourself do three small paintings in an hour and half, 30 minutes each. It can be fun and it charges our motivation.

Small paintings are not so intimidating.

Artist-blockPaint something small and easy.

Switch mediums

Spend some time drawing. It's refreshing and it will improve our paintings, too. Or try a different painting medium. It rejuvenates our love for painting art.

The various painting mediums all use the same principles of art.

A different medium can give us a boost of new inspiration. It works for me; I switch between painting with oils and watercolors.

Explore different types of painting mediums.

Take periodic breaks

If we have been working on a painting for a while, we may run into a roadblock. When we can’t figure out what to do next or how to solve a problem, a break could be in order.

It could be time to take the dog for a walk or go visit a neighbor. Maybe lay the painting aside for the day. Get some rest and come back to it the next day with a fresh perspective.

Mingle with other artists

Join a local art group.

One sure-fire thing that always charges us up is socializing with other artists and seeing their work. It’s inspiring to see different way of doing things.

Attend an art workshop, take art lessons, go to a gallery or watch artists on the internet. Getting out of our own space for a bit is always refreshing.

an artist's block will pass!

Remember, the block is temporary. Every artist has their own path and their own way of staying inspired. It's about finding what works for you.

Don't be too hard on yourself. So, take a deep breath and get back to the canvas – it's waiting for your magic touch.

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