prophetic art shares the peace and joy of God

The purpose of prophetic art is to show forth God's immeasurable love, peace and glory. It touches our heart, mind and spirit with the love of God.

Prophetic paintings come from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Traditional Christian paintings are derived from God's written word, the holy Bible.

Prophetic art paintings portray the heart and spirit of the Biblical God. He gives us "Freedom".Freedom

Many times, the Lord has allowed me to see Him on His white horse. This horse is a little sleeker than the one I have seen. His horse is more muscular like war-horses.

All of us will have our own horse when we return with the Lord one day. One time during praise and worship the Lord allowed me to see my horse by me dancing while we were worshiping.

This horse painting represents the ‘Freedom’ we have when we trust fully in Christ.

Prophetic "War Horse" is a painting of a black horse running in the surf.War Horse

One time this summer in heaven, the Lord told me to pick a horse because we were going for ride. I had ridden with Jesus on His white horse before. so I said, "a black one."

All of the sudden we were riding our horses with other people on horses, too. They each had on a breastplate and a helmet.

The Lord said, "We'll be in war for two years. When we got off our horses, He said, "This is your war horse." Wow!

Many people have a war horse. We are in the end-time battle of good and evil and the Lord provides what we need. He is so good!

what are prophetic paintings?

A prophetic painting of a white eagleLet Freedom Reign

Prophetic artwork accomplishes things in the spirit realm.

It will produce a peace and joy that draws us closer to God.

The world is groaning for freedom. The stresses going on in the world cause us to look to God for relief. He hears our cries.

One day in prayer, a large white eagle with golden talons came and landed on my outstretched hands.

God hears our prayers and He has the answers. It is just a matter of His timing.

In the meantime "Let Freedom Reign" in our hearts.

Seven Mountains of society are there for Christian to occupy.Seven Mountains

We are called to occupy until Jesus returns. Father God needs his children to take and occupy the "Seven Mountains" of society.

The three front mountains form the foundations of our society. The large mountain across the front is the family. Strong families make a strong society.

The two mountains beside the family are education and church. Both are very important for building character and knowledge in our citizens.

Behind in no particular order are business, government, media, and also the mountain of arts and entertainment.

Government is the center, tallest mountain pointing to our God. He has given us the authority to govern on earth through prayer and our activities in the natural realm.

What is your area of expertise? Let's climb to the top of our mountains and occupy them until Jesus returns.

prophetic art comes from the heart of god

The paintings touch our heart, our mind, and spirit.

A prophetic painting of "Celebrating Victory".Celebrating Victory

The other day I saw in the spirit a bunch of colorful balloons rising up in the air. I asked the Lord what it meant and he said, "Celebrating Victory".

What kind of victories do you need in your life? Start celebrating your victories now!

"Courage" a prophetic horse painting of what we need in today's world.Courage

At the beginning of 2021 the Lord instructed me to paint three different horses. Before this time there were only a total of three horse paintings to my name. Now the Lord told me to do three more!

The first one was an oil painting of a horse stepping forward into the unknown. As we step out into the New Year, The Lord says move forward with "Courage".

Painting of a horse "Faith", that's what we need to keep us going.Faith

The second horse painting was "Faith". We have to keep our eyes on Jesus.

The horse named Faith is looking intently looking to his master. Be bold, be courageous, stay strong looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

A prophetic watercolor painting of a white horse.Purity

The third painting, He showed me was a white horse named "Purity".

Keep our hearts pure. We don't want to get tangled up in the world and their ways. We must keep our hearts and souls pure, washed by the water of God's holy word.

You can paint this horse with watercolors.

fine art prints of many of the prophetic paintings!

Art Prints

God will give me a vision, a dream or an idea. I pray about it, and proceed as He directs me to paint prophetic art.

I want to give Him all the praise and glory that He deserves. When I paint, I do what He, the Creator shows me to do.

Praise God for his goodness!

How God taught me I was a prophetic artist.

See Yourself as God sees you.See Yourself the Way God Sees You

Sometimes all the cares, trials and tribulations of the world can make us feel dirty.

If we have sin in our life the blood of Jesus washes away all of our dirt.

Look into the water of God's word and see what God says about you.

The written word of God renews our mind and the way we see ourselves.

"See Yourself the Way God Sees You" by the washing of the water of his word.

God makes all things new.

We are squeaky clean and beautiful in God's eyes!

There is a step-by-step tutorial on painting giraffes.

Gifts from God - prophetic prints and paintings by the artist Carol MayJewels from the Lord

During a church service the Lord opened the eyes of a brother and he saw the Lord going around putting jewels into people's hands.

While I was praying, I looked down and saw a jewel in my hand. Then I saw more jewels of various colors.

This is a prophetic painting of what the Lord allowed me to see. That's what prophetic art is all about.

The speaker said that the jewels we received are to be given away to others.

They were not actual physical jewels like the Lord sometimes gives, but they were spiritual jewels, gifts and commissioning for building the kingdom of God.

Notice the jewels are uncut and untouched by man. They are perfect gifts "Jewels from the Lord".

heavenly encounters

God has gifted me with the wonderful opportunity of visiting heaven. Yes, as amazing as it seems, it was God's idea not mine.

"Heavenly Encounters" are awesome gifts from God.Visiting Heaven

The dove represents the Holy Spirit in the Bible. Here's a watercolor on Aquabord of a lovely white dove "Visiting Heaven".

Today many Christians have been ascending and visiting heaven while they are still alive.

Visiting heaven is not for just a few special people. God made heaven for all of us to enjoy.

Yes, we can visit heaven while we're still alive on earth.  

Beauty and Joy butterfly painting by Carol MayBeauty and Joy

At a conference in my church the Lord released JOY. I was overwhelmed with holy laughter. What a privilege and what fun!

No matter what our circumstances are at the present, the Lord wants us to rest in Him so our joy will be full.

After the conference I was so full of joy from the Lord.

I had been struggling with a painting of a Swallowtail Butterfly.  I put aside the unfinished one and did a new painting of "Beauty and Joy".

Winds of Change - prophetic painting by Carol MayWinds of Change

A couple of weeks before tropical storm Faye the Lord gave me a vision of a coconut palm by the ocean, blowing in the wind.

I asked, "What is that?” He said, "Winds of Change". I had no idea how much change was coming!

prophetic Christian art by Carol MaySon Rise

After the storm I saw the same coconut palm tree before the sun rising. After storms, God's Son brings a beautiful change.

We always have victory thru Jesus Christ. "Son Rise"
Praise God, times are changing!

prophetic painting art of a vision of after the Battle of OlusteeAfter The Battle of Olustee

"After the Battle of Olustee" is painted from a vision from the Lord.

A confederate soldier is kneeling with his head bowed and hat over his heart. He laid his rifle down. There was a union soldier standing with his head bowed in prayer.

The cannon across the battlefield is still. The battle is over and the soldiers were thanking God and asking His forgiveness.

The afternoon sun is streaming through the trees. The light shining on the confederate soldier was from God.

A gopher tortoise felt the peace and came out of his hole to look around. (Lower right corner)

I was sharing with a Christian acquaintance that I felt that this would bring healing to my city which still celebrates the battle every year. She said, "Oh my, it is not only healing to your city, but to the entire nation.

This was one of the most difficult paintings I have ever done because of the spiritual warfare. I can't say what was accomplished in the spirit, but I can say this prophetic art was from God.

Prophetic painting of Jesus the Rose of Sharon, He is coming back.Rose of Sharon

When my ‘Rose of Sharon’ bush was blooming I remembered a friend of mine told me the Rose of Sharon bushes bloom in Israel up on the rocky hillsides where nothing else grows.

I thought, Oh I want to paint that because Jesus blooms in our hard places where nothing else will help.

Jesus is returning to the land where He shed His blood.

Notice the blood stains on the ground and the red centers in the white Rose of Sharon blooms.

We are made white as snow when The Blood of Jesus washes away our sin.

Painting this prophetic art shows what Jesus is anxious for. We all need to keep Israel in our prayers, so they will be ready for His return.

Ten white roses prophetically declaring "Peace" by artist Carol May.Peace

I was thinking and praying for our military men and women who are overseas.

Ten is the number of victory. White means peace. This painting is wishing them "Peace".

You may want to Paint a Rose.

Painting prophetically shows how God is the center of the universe, artist Carol MayGod is the Center of the Universe

This prophetic art piece shows that all things come from God and lead us to Him.

As inspired by the Holy Spirit, I used a Florida Mangrove with clouds and water to show the example of God being the center of our lives. "God is the Center of the Universe"

The texture in the foreground simulates the rough times of our lives. God is always standing there bold and strong waiting for us to come to Him.

The clouds move down toward the mangrove. God is always reaching down to us. We just need to reach up to Him.

God's Lighthouse prophetic oil painting by artist Carol MayGod's Lighthouse

During a one woman show the gallery owner asked me where this lighthouse was located. I told her that God gave me the idea.

So, I called the painting, "God's Lighthouse".

Jesus is God's gift to mankind. He is our lighthouse in any and all situations. Through all the storms of life we can always find our security in Him.

Sailboats heading out of the storm towards the light.Freedom’s Light

The sailboats are heading out of a storm going towards the Light. Jesus is our "Light" to freedom in all the storms and situations of our lives.

There is a strong anointing on this painting. When I was taking ‘Freedom’s Light’ to a show I stopped to show it to my neighbor. I was coming from my vehicle and I was about 20 feet away from her, we both felt a strong anointing of the Lord.

Praise God for His precious touch and the gift of painting some of His prophetic artwork.

The Anchor Holds by Carol May prophetic artistThe Anchor Holds

Jesus "The Anchor Holds" holds us steady thru all the weather of our lives.

This is a mixed media painting, acrylic with watercolor. Mixed media is a fun painting process.

how god showed me I was a prophetic artist

"Born Free" a prophetic painting of mother and baby dolphins by Carol MayBorn Free

"Born Free" shows mother and baby dolphin enjoying the fact that they were born free. We can have that freedom when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. He sets us free!

My pastor had been telling me that I was a prophetic painter. He explained it to me and I still was not sure that I could do prophetic art, or that there was any anointing on my paintings. I didn't really understand what painting prophetic art meant.

My husband and I were doing some outdoor art festivals. At one festival there was a young girl that came by with her grandmother. She really wanted a print of the ‘Born Free’ dolphins, but grandmother did not want to get it.

About two hours later, after they had been through the entire show, they came back. The grandmother got her a print of the dolphins.

A couple of nights later the Lord gave me a powerful dream. I saw this same young girl in the dream; she was now about 12 years old. She looked directly at me and said, “Thank you very much.”

I knew by the Spirit that because of having the dolphins with God’s anointing on the painting in her bedroom that she had accepted Jesus Christ as her savior. Praise God!

Now I knew that there were reasons why the Lord had me painting certain things. I understand now that prophetic paintings are not only pleasing to the eye, but they accomplish things in the spirit realm.

Bring the beauty of Prophetic Art Prints into your home!

Springtime is a prophetic landscape painting in oils by Carol MaySpringtime

I put this painting "Springtime" on this page, not because I considered it a prophetic painting, but because it has special meaning to me.

When I was painting it, I imagined that I was painting the river of life that we all travel. The road of life we travel while here on earth. I thought a river was prettier to paint, than a road. Also, I was thinking about the river that comes from heaven.

We live in a house by our river. I put sparkles on the water and beautiful springtime flowers by the river to signify new life. The river curves around through our life and if we make the right choices, we choose God. Hence the river leads to the church in the background. And far in the background are the mountains of the Lord.

I had this painting for sale at an outdoor art festival. A gentleman came by and asked me where the place was that I had put into the painting? I told him that it was not an actual place, but that I had painted it out of my head. He said, "I sure would like to be in your head."

Wow! That was the greatest compliment anyone had ever paid me for my paintings.

When the man viewed the painting, he felt the peace I felt, when I was painting it. God's peace and love can be felt through prophetic art. God's gifts touch people; He deserves all the glory.

That's what prophetic painting is all about! You can do it, too!

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