Art Meets Nature with butterfly art

Enter the wonderful world of butterfly art.

Combine your passion for painting with one of nature's most delightful creations - butterflies. It's exciting for artists to explore where creativity meets nature.

Butterflies are one of nature's most delightful creatures. Use your creativity with the techniques of painting a realistic butterfly.

How to paint butterfly art by Carol May.You can paint butterflies!

where did butterfly paintings begin?

Throughout history butterfly artwork has held a special place. Many cultures associate butterflies with the soul of man or consider them mystical creatures.

Early Egyptian hieroglyphics contained butterflies. During the Renaissance, there were lots of art pieces, symbolizing the fleeting nature of life.

The Chinese use two butterflies flying together as a symbol of love and happiness. Japanese designs use butterflies to symbolize joy and longevity.

In today's world butterflies are seen as symbolizing endurance, life, hope and love.

Our butterfly artwork can inspire and fascinate our audiences, just like real butterflies have done throughout the ages.

starting your Butterfly Art

Imagine your butterfly paintings, created by your brushes.

There are numerous types of butterflies we can select for our paintings. There big butterflies to tiny ones and they come in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

Before we start painting, we need to get a good reference. Butterflies don't stay still very long, so we could use mounted butterflies or photos.

Our personal photos are best or we can find copyright free photos on or

materials for a watercolor butterfly

We are going to be painting on my favorite watercolor support Aquabord, an 8"x10".

When I was learning how to paint watercolor I used paper, but now I much prefer Aquabord.

For the composition I placed the butterfly to the right of center, facing into the painting.

painting colors

The color scheme is a triad of colors equally spaced around the color wheel.

  • orange, Cadmium Orange and Coral Orange
  • green, Viridian Green and Sap Green
  • purple, Quinacridone Violet and Dioxazine Violet

painting the butterfly art

Refer to the finished painting and lightly sketch the long-wing butterfly with the Butterfly Bush flower, stem and leaves on your painting surface.

Painting Watercolor white

In this painting we will use two common methods of preserving the whites in watercolor paintings.

Painting the butterfly wing and leaving the white paper spots.Paint around the white spots.
  1. Leave some areas of the paper white by painting around those areas.
  2. Apply frisket to areas on the flower and leaves. You can see the frisket on the flower in the photo.

The frisket needs to be dry before painting. It takes about 30 minutes to dry.

You may speed the drying with a hair dryer.

Don't get it too hot or it will not be removable later.

There are more techniques for preserving the white watercolor paper. You can read about them HERE.

Painting the butterfly wing, add orange closer to the body.Add brown, then orange closer to the body.

Mix a dark color with Viridian and Dioxazine Violet and paint around the white spots on the butterfly's wings.

Add orange to warm the mixture and make it brown for the areas closer to the body.

Use less water for darker colors. And obviously more water gives lighter colors.

When you near the butterfly's body start adding orange.

Blend the orange into the brown.

Painting butterflies with Carol MayContinue painting the butterfly wings.

Please note just a bit of butterfly anatomy. Butterflies have four wings and six legs.

The wings and legs are attached to the thorax, the fat part of the body behind the head.

You can faintly see the division between the fore-wing and the hind-wing going at an angle up to the thorax.

Paint the dark border on the hind-wing.

Feather the colors together by running a clean damp brush along the juncture of the dark and orange.

The water is important in learning how to paint watercolor.

Paint the butterfly's body.Paint the body with some highlights.

Using more water produces lighter colors.

If necessary, darken the areas around the white spots. Adjust the shape of the white spots where needed.

Now turn your attention to the butterfly's body.

Paint the left, shadow side dark. Lighten the value toward the light and leave a few highlights for interest.

The body is partially covered by the edges of the hind-wings. The tail end of the body peaks out behind the wings.

Complete painting the butterfly body and paint the veins on the wings.Paint the veins on the wings.

Add a few dark veins to the fore-wings with brown.

Lightly suggest veins in the hind wings.

We will paint the butterfly head and antenna after the flower is painted.

Look over your butterfly. Is there enough contrast between the white spots and their surrounding black?

Does the orange color transition smoothly into the brown?

When you are satisfied with the butterfly, move on to the flower.

paint the flower and leaves

Painting the watercolor flower that the butterfly is sitting on.Start painting the flower.

Paint the flower with dark and light purples.

Loosely paint the flower with a stippling motion.

Use your red-purple, Quinacridone Violet on the light side of the flower.

Use the darker, cooler blue-violet, Dioxazine Violet on the shadow side.

Notice the masking fluid preserves the white highlights on the flower.

Also, paint around some areas leaving the white of the paper.

Painting the Butterfly Bush leavesPaint the leaves.

Mix and use a variety of grey-greens for the leaves.

Mix the greens from Viridian and Dioxazine Purple.

Paint the leaves with a variety of light and darker greens.

Leave a center vein unpainted on some of the leaves.

We will paint the stem after the masking fluid is removed.

The background

Paint the background around the butterfly,Start painting the background.

Dampen the area you will be painting, so the paint will flow on easier.

Loosely paint the background with a flat brush.

Loose backgrounds are one of the joys of learning how to paint watercolor.

Start the lower left corner with Dioxazine Violet.

As you start adding the greens to the background it will grey the violet so it is not so intense.

We want the background to compliment not detract our attention from the focal point.

Continue painting the background around the flower and butterfly.Continue painting the background.

Change to warmer violet and a variety of greens farther up in the painting.

Use a smaller brush for the tighter areas.

Paint lighter, subdued greens or lavender in the background areas.

Then using the smaller brush paint some darker greens or violet on top of the lighter areas.

Mingle the background colors together to make them out of focus.

The out of focus background pushes it farther back and brings the butterfly, flower and leaves forward.

Let the background colors flow together.Make the background out of focus.

Above the flower a spray of water mixes the background colors to make them look out of focus.

Use water on the edges of the background to soften the colors into the white.

In the tighter areas below the flower, use a damp brush to mingle the colors and soften the edges.

The wet colors flow together. That's the beauty of painting with watercolor.

Let the painting dry.

the finish

The frisket (masking fluid) has been removed and the white paper is revealed.Remove the masking to reveal the whites.

The painting is dry when it is not cool to the touch.

Now comes the fun part of painting watercolor. It is always exciting to see the whites revealed.

After the painting is dry remove the masking fluid (the frisket) with a rubber cement pick-up tool or your dry fingers.

When the frisket is removed the white paper is revealed!

Vola - there's our highlights.

Add the final touches to your beautiful butterfly painting.Add touches of a pale orange.

One of the tricks of painting good art is to repeat colors throughout the painting.

The butterfly is obviously orange.

So we use a pale orange wash on the edges of the leaves.

The twig in the lower left was painted with brown and orange highlights.

Remember the light source is from the right. So we highlight the right side of the twig with shadows on the left.

Complete painting the butterfly head and antenna.Paint the butterfly head and antenna.

The flowers on the purple Butterfly Bush have orange centers.

Lightly indicated some orange in a few places on the flowers.

Now we can finish the butterfly's head.

Paint the butterfly's head and leave highlights for the eyes.

A script liner brush works for painting the slender antenna.

the painting is finished

This is how to paint realistic butterfly art. The butterfly is meticulously painted over an artistic background that makes the painting more interesting.

White sparks up the painting and the addition of bold colors make this a lively butterfly painting.

Completed Longwing Butterfly painting by Carol MayCompleted painting

butterfly paintings are timeless

Oil paintings are as timeless as the butterflies. They are the classic painting medium of the old masters.

Paint nature's delightful patterns on the butterfly's wings. Enjoy this classic medium while you paint this butterfly.

paint more nature watercolors

Watercolor is a wonderful medium for painting hummingbirds, too. Hone your watercolor painting techniques.

Get a tips on mixing colors. And paint this tough little Rufous Hummingbird with only three colors.

it's your turn to enjoy painting butterfly art

The combination of nature and creativity offers a wonderful opportunity for artists.

Both seasoned and budding artists can express their creativity, perfect their technique and add imaginative butterfly art to their portfolio.

Explore and look deeper into the world of painting art on this website. The vast reservoir of resources is waiting to help you create your next painting.

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