The focal point in art is the main attraction of a painting. It's what attracts the viewers to our paintings.
People will come to look at our paintings. Then their eyes move around and enjoy the other areas of the painting.
What is a focal point? It's the what and why of the painting. Why did the artist do the painting? What are they trying to say?
Accomplished painting artists will use one or more of the following methods to create a focal point.
A good contrast in values is the #1 way of creating a focal point in art. Values are the light and darkness of an item.
Value contrast is the easiest way to make a focal point. The eye is automatically drawn to an area of high contrasting values.
Artists will use light against dark in many areas of the painting. But the focal point in art should have the strongest value contrast.
These tiny hummingbirds contrast well against their background.
Also, the birds are painted with hard edges, that's another attention-getter.
People, animals or vehicles become the star of the show when they are in a painting.
Actually, any man-made things such as vehicles, buildings, boats, etc. will automatically be the focal point in art paintings.
Wildlife and all types of critters always attract people. Probably because most people enjoy both domestic and wild animals.
Give people or animals plenty of space in front of their face.
Have them looking into the painting, not out the edge of the painting. If the subject is looking out of the painting, their view will carry the viewers right out of the painting.
Solitary items automatically attract attention.
The hummingbird draws the attention of the viewers. It demands attention, even though it is small compared to the mass of flowers.
The hummingbird has several things going for it that make it the focal point of the painting.
1. There is good value contrast between the bird and the background.
2. It is a solitary item. It's all by its self, not in a group.
3. It's a bird. People and animals automatically attract the viewer's attention.
4. It is moving. Moving objects always grab the viewer's attention.
It's not a hard and fast rule, but generally the focal point is placed "near" the center of the painting.
The focal point should be well integrated into the design of the entire painting.
The subject is almost never placed in the absolute center of the painting.
When the subject is dead-centered, the viewers to look at the subject and then leave the painting. They don't spend additional time looking at the rest of the painting.
place the subject close to the edge of the painting. It will make the
viewers feel uncomfortable and possibly draw them out of the painting.
The woodpecker painting is an example. The bird is slightly off-centered and well-integrated into the design of the painting.
An easy method of placing the subject is the rule of thirds.
It is up to the artist whether they want focal point or not.
When the painting is basically a display of patterns, it may not have a specific area of focus. The fish painting below is a painting of patterns.
Patterns and repetition are some of the principles of art.
Should a painting have only one focal point?
How do we know our focal point will work?
Eyes are always an attention getter. People's eyes or animal eyes are always the center of attention. They grab our attention and pull us into the painting.
Notice how we are drawn to the eyes. They grab our attention. Even though there is a huge value contrast between the blue and white, our attention goes to the eyes.
We know where to place a focal point and what attracts attention. What painting techniques can we use?
Bright, saturated colors draw attention to the main subject.
The red comb and wattles on the chicken are the brightest red in the painting. So, they draw attention to the chicken and her face.
Use more detail in the focal areas compared to other areas of the painting.
There is more detail on the chicken's face with her eye, beak, comb and wattles.
The feathers are painted with more detail than the background which is somewhat out of focus.
Soft edges are easier to look at, but hard edges attract more attention.
Compare the hard edges on Lacey (the chicken above) to the soft edges in the rest of the painting.
Painting warm colors against cool colors is another great tool for focal areas of a painting.
The warm colors, (red, orange and yellow) will automatically attract attention. When we place them against cool colors, (blue, green or purple) they really sparkle.
The bluebird below exhibits both complimentary colors and a warm orange chest with a cool blue body.
How to mix warm colors and cool colors.
Complimentary colors vibrate when they are painted next to each other. They are great for attracting the viewer's attention into the focal area.
Complimentary colors are across from each other on the color wheel. They are red and green, yellow and violet plus, blue and orange.
The bluebird has several things that make him the focal point of the painting.
Do you think I missed one? Yes, he is a solitary object, a bird or animal and the painting shows movement.
It's easy to create a focal point in art with multiple methods.
Use any or all of these techniques to make a focal point in your art paintings. They will be sure to attract the viewer's attention.